Magic The Gathering - Nostalgia

Magic: The Gathering is a hugely popular fantasy trading card game with around 35 million players worldwide. There are so many MTG cards in circulation that Hasbro (owners of the brand) have lost count of the total numbers.

2022 marked the 30-year anniversary of Magic: The Gathering as a brand. We were asked to work on several acquisitions throughout the year. To tie into the 30th anniversary we tapped into cultural nostalgia to create a red thread through various activations.

Our approach had long been to bring the fantasy world into the real world in disruptive ways. But this year we added nostalgia into the mix and created content that surprised and delighted.

We got Ross Kemp to join a fictional gang and recreated Robot Wars with a Magic twist. Creating short and long form content which broaden our audiences and connected them to the brand in disruptive ways.

We achieved a 18% brand uplift across the campaigns along with 104 million impressions.